3 Oct 2010

Børnebobler/ Childrens bubbles

Around the world it bubbles with interesting initiatives in the area of children and design. Designskolen Kolding plays along with the children as target group of new design products and services but also as creative individuels who use and make design.

The city of Kolding is working on a mayor strategy to become the most significant design city in Denmark. This includes many areas, also schools and day care facilities. On wednesday September 15th Designskolen Kolding had focus on children as we hosted a seminar about design for children and design with children. 120 people attended the seminar to hear the many presentations.

For more information (in danish) and download of the presentations: designskolenkolding.dk

A tribute to colour and light!

We have now begun a new semester at Designskolen Kolding. And the students are as great as ever. As a tribute to colour and light we serve drinks and show studentwork.

Designskolen Kolding offers a bachelor and masterprogramme in several different deparments. For more information: http://www.designskolenkolding.dk/

Crafts Collection

The Jungle Wallpaper is now part of Crafts Collection no 14.

Jungle is a children’s wallpaper with prints that resemble the pictures in a colouring book. The motif is a pattern of plants and animals that the child can colour in. Children will be excited about creating their own jungle, so the wallpaper offers hours of activity and immersion. The children have the basic human experience of affecting their surroundings and taking over the space around them, as we have always done with cave paintings and graffiti.

Sustainability is not only about minimising pollution or transportation; it is equally important to create products with a long life cycle. By offering the user an opportunity to interact with the product, the wallpaper acquires an added layer of value. Because the child is a co-creator of the jungle, his or her sense of ownership is increased. The wall will appear as the child’s own creation rather than just a wallpapered surface. Jungle is made of unbleached paper coated with chalk with prints in a water-based photogravure dye that is free of organic solvents.

For more information: craftscollection.dk

20 Jul 2009

Biennaleprisen 2009

Designer Maria Kirk Mikkelsen vinder den prestigefulde Biennalepris 2009 sammen med to andre projekter.

De tre vindere. Fra venstre: Katrine Borup, Maria Kirk Mikkelsen, Henrik Toft.

Maria Kirk Mikkelsens vinderprojekt er et børnetapet, der vandt sammen med en broche og en bølgekraftmaskine. Helt tilfældigt starter alle værker med B – og netop B er begyndelsesbogstavet i ordet bæredygtighed, som er det fælles tema for Biennalen for Kunsthåndværk og Design 2009. Prisen er på 100.000 kr., og det blev uddelt i dag på Trapholt i Kolding som led i Danmarks største udstillingsbegivenhed for kunsthåndværk og design. Med afsæt i begrebet bæredygtighed har 178 af Danmarks bedste kunsthåndværkere og designere indsendt projekter til Biennalens konkurrence, kun 30 har fundet vej igennem censorkomiteens nåleøje, før tre af værkerne onsdag blev kåret som vindere af konkurrencen på den censurerede udstilling på Trapholt.

De tre vindere har fortolket bæredygtighed på meget forskellig vis.
Med udgangspunkt i bæredygtig produktionsmetoder har designeren Maria Kirk Mikkelsen skabt et interaktivt tapet, man selv skal farvelægge.
- Projektet bemærker sig med sit enkle og originale designkoncept. Det involverer både voksne og børn i boligindretningen, begrundede medlem af Censorkomiteen og formand for Danske Kunsthåndværkere, Mark Lauberg, ved overrækkelsen på museet Trapholt.

Se video fra prisoverrækkelsen her